During the period from February to April 2024, among the top 15 metro areas, Los Angeles exhibited the highest YoY percentage change in median sale price, showing a rise of 15.7% compared to the same period last year, with a value of $1,070,000. Conversely, Austin experienced the lowest YoY percentage change with a decrease of 0.7% and a median sale price of $440,000. Comparing these trends to the previous year, several metros have undergone significant YoY changes. New York and Philadelphia witnessed substantial increases of 13.7% and 12.9% in median sale prices respectively. Meanwhile, Miami, Boston, Chicago, and Seattle continued to exhibit steady growth, with percentage changes ranging from 11% to 9%. Additionally, Atlanta, Jacksonville, and Denver showed moderate increases , however Houston and Dallas experienced YoY percentage changes of 2.6% and 0.3% respectively.

Learn more about the metrics in PropMix Market Insights.

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